
Combomax Oral

A mineralised low dose combination (white/clear) drench for sheep and cattle. For the control of internal parasites in both sheep and cattle, including tapeworm in sheep. Aids in the supplementation of selenium, zinc and cobalt.

  • Low dose combination oral drench
  • White/clear combination
  • Controls internal parasites in sheep and cattle including tapeworm in sheep
  • Levamisole has retained efficacy against Cooperia species, worms that commonly show resistance to other drench families
  • VETMED Combomax aids in the supplementation of selenium, zincand cobalt
  • Developed in New Zealand for New Zealand

DOSE RATE: 1mL/10kg
WHP: Cattle Milk 144 hours (12 milking), Sheep Milk 35 days, Meat Cattle/Sheep 10 Days

Available in 20L,10L, 5L, 2.5L and 1L packs

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